Dynamo script – Pin all links
by BIM OnePin all links is a Dynamo script that allows you to pin every instance of Revit links in your model. Pin all Revit links instances at once.
Pin all links is a Dynamo script that allows you to pin every instance of Revit links in your model. Pin all Revit links instances at once.
Open Sheets by View or Element are two Dynamo scripts that allow you to speed up the process of opening multiple sheets by view or by element.
MWF Copy and/or Clear Panel ID Values are two Dynamo scripts that allow you to strengthen the relationship between MWF panels and their Revit elements.
Map parameter is a Dynamo script that allows you to copy data from a parameter applied to multiple categories, add prefix or suffix to data transfered.
Map global parameter is a Dynamo script that allows you to link a global parameter to all Revit elements in one or more categories.
Linked item data to current file item data is a Dynamo script that lets you transfer data from an element in a linked file to an element in active file.
Level Reference is a Dynamo script that allows you to assign the closest level and proper offset from this level for the vast majority of MEP categories.
Instantly Resolve "Identical Instances in the Same Place" Warnings is a Dynamo script to resolve Revit warnings for overlapping elements.
Instantly Explode All Array Groups is a Dynamo script to quickly explode all groups created by the Array command in your Revit model.
Flip Workplane is a Dynamo script that allows you to flip the workplane of selected elements. Select element that is on the workset you want to activate.
Dynamo scripts help you to automate tedious and repetitive tasks in Revit. You can run Dynamo graphs from Dynamo player or from inside Dynamo visual programming platform. Dynamo scripts are usually used in conjunction with Revit add-ins.